宁波,是7000年河姆渡文明的发源地,中国大运河的出海口,也是海上丝绸之路的始发港。 您知道吗?在这座中国历史文化名城和世界知名现代港城里,有100万宁波人从事着对外贸易工作,几乎让每个宁波家庭与整个世界紧密联系起来。 每年有50万的宁波人出国旅游,这个数字还在不断增长。更为重要的是,已经有近1万名外籍人士在宁波生活、工作、学习,这个群体,被我们亲切地称为“新宁波人”。 近日,由宁波市委外宣办、宁波市人民政府外事办公室、宁波市外经贸局(宁波市国际投资合作局)和宁波市旅游局共同发起了一个叫做“外国人眼中的宁波”的征文活动,面向所有在甬工作、生活的外国朋友,征集你们的文章,主办方期待听见外国朋友的心声,你们眼中的宁波,对宁波这座城市的印象,到底是什么样子的? 希望通过外国友人的特殊视角去解读这座城市:可以讲述你们在宁波的生活,和宁波人之间的故事,或者在宁波当地拍到的照片,文章不超过2000个英文单词。《东南商报》和《宁波聚焦》杂志会定期开辟专版专题,把你们的故事翻译成中文,让更多的“新老宁波人”分享。 征文时间从即日起至2014年12月底,待征稿结束后,我们会从来稿中评选出优秀作品,选择其中有代表性的文章,集结出版一本书,让更多的外国人通过你们的视角,了解宁波这座城市的美好之处。 也欢迎各位本土宁波人向身边的外国朋友推荐这个活动,一起来分享他们的宁波故事。 来稿请寄:ningbostory@cnnb.com.cn,期待您的参与。记者 林旻 Are you “new” to Ningbo? Then we want to hear from you! As you likely know,Ningbo is an ancient city,with roots that go back thousands of years. But many of our residents are new to this historic city. And we’d like you to share your experiences with us. First,a short history lesson-Ningbo is the place where the 7,000-year-old Hemudu civilization is born,where the Grand Canal of China runs to the sea, and where the “Silk Road on the Sea” begins. It’s also one of the world’s largest trading ports,and,thanks to government initiatives focused on international endeavors, there has seen a large influx of foreigners taking up residence here. This is a good thing,as it means our wonderful city has truly become cosmopolitan, teeming with new ideas, new cultures, and new smiles. This synergy between old and new is fascinating,and we want to document it. Our plan is to publish a book that further introduces Ningbo to foreign friends, and looks to exploring the u-nique relationship between the city and its newest residents. We want to explore the city through your eyes and ears,and understand your take on the culture, natural beauty, business and technology, entertainment, and more. Your experiences here will offer valuable insight and ad-vice to those thinking about moving to Ningbo. We would like to call this book “Ningbo in the eyes of foreigners”. And as previously stated, we want you to join us. Here’s how: write down your Ningbo story(2,000 words or less,please);attach any photos or other media;and share it with us at ningbostory@cnnb.com.cn. We will translate your stories into Chinese and share them with fellow citizens on Ningbo Focus and Southeast Business Daily. We will also select the best entries to compile a book and get it published! Thanks for your interest. if you have any questions,please email us at ningbostory@cnnb.com.cn. Ningbo Information Office Ningbo Foreign Affairs Office Ningbo International Investment Promotion Bureau Ningbo Tourism Bureau