约翰来自苏格兰,2008年加入诺安检测服务有限公司任总经理、分析服务总监。在分析服务行业工作20多年。对于在宁波的生活,他感到很舒适。他喜欢宁波的一切,尤其是宁波的夜市烧烤,当然也喜欢海鲜。 |
作者:John McKenzie I came to Ningbo in 2008 because of a business decision and stayed here for 9 months to start business. We had the first laboratory in Qingdao. And Ningbo is a beautiful city that is similar with Qingdao, a port, seafood, industry, good universities and good business structure. Thus in the second year we chose Ningbo in that Ningbo is a valuable city and has great development potential. Now I usually go between the two cities, Ningbo and Qingdao. There are many differences between Ningbo and Glasgow (a city of UK), my hometown. In terms of weather, Glasgow is cold and wet, while Ningbo is warm and comfortable. But the similarity is that Glasgow people and Chi-nese people are both warm and friendly, so we often have conversations and meet many friends and people. Ningbo is a home-based town, a city without the hustle and bustle. After a day’s work, people can enjoy the peace and quietness or enjoy the taste of the city. Ningbo makes me feel warm and comfortable. Comparing with other cities such as Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Ningbo is a rather small city. However it is a small family city and a small community to me. Shanghai and Beijing are quite huge, but it is difficult for me to feel at home there, because Ningbo is a much friendly, happy small city. I enjoy cooking though I do not cook very well. Whether I am at home country or in China, I will do the cooking. It is very relaxing and a good thing to do. I have no strong preference in food, but I adore Ningbo food a lot, especially barbecue food and seafood. Chinese traditional dishes enjoy an excellent reputation. Food has always been a major feature of Ningbo and a comfortable environment and location have made Ningbo’s seafood world-famous. In the evening, we can have some fantastic barbecue food. That’s the best part I like about Ningbo city. In ancient times, people tended to say that seafood would benefit the brain. Now Ningbo has extended the processing industry, making Ningbo’s seafood go further. Every year Ningbo holds a food festival and men and women flock to savor the moment inviting friends. Thus expatriates take Ningbo a step closer to the world. I have been invited to many staff weddings, and some other social events in Ningbo, organized by the foreign business groups as well. Chinese weddings are very happy occasions, family occasions, and what impresses me is that there are such social and traditional events in which I can see genuine Chinese society and traditions. In this way we gradually integrate our lives into Ningbo, an international harbor in the world. Seeing is believing. Ningbo is developing rapidly with each passing day, many of the Ningbo old things have sank in the river of time. These changes require us to be contemporary with a new attitude and a new vision to observe and experience the city. 译文 我因一个商业决定于2008年来到宁波这个城市,九个月后便开始了自己的业务。我们在青岛有一个实验室,而宁波是一个美丽的城市,又与青岛有很多共同之处,海港、海鲜、工业、著名的大学以及良好的商业架构。于是次年我们便在宁波建立了我们的第二个实验室,因为宁波是一个有价值的城市,并且有极大的发展潜力。现在我经常往返于青岛与宁波两城市之间。 宁波和我的家乡格拉斯哥(英国城市)有很多的不同。比如格拉斯哥的天气经常是寒冷又潮湿,而宁波却温暖舒适。这两个城市的共同之处在于格拉斯哥人和中国人同样热心又友好,所以在中国我经常结识很多人并结交朋友。宁波温馨如家,没有繁华都市的喧嚣。人们在一天的忙碌工作之后,能够静静地去感受家的气息,放松于这座城市宁静的氛围之中。一丝惬意,一份温馨,一怀温暖,都是宁波所给予我们的。与诸如上海、深圳、香港这样的大城市相比,宁波是一个小城。但是对于我来说,这座小城是一个小区,是一个家。上海和北京城市虽大,在那里我却很难感受到温馨舒适,而宁波却是一个友爱幸福的小城市。 在这座城市我不是一个游客,参与地方经济、与客户和政府部门会晤等是我和宁波独特的互动方式。通过与当地人交流,和同事们沟通,我们共同直面文化差异的解决方法。我认为融入某一文化的关键便是问自己如何作为,而不是如何解决。我曾经去过世界上其他国家很多动乱的城市,中国是我所去过的最为安全的地方,这也是中国吸引我的最主要原因之一。 我虽厨艺不精,却酷爱下厨。不论在家乡还是在中国,我都会亲自下厨。这是我自我放松的方式。对于食物我没有特别的喜好,但却非常喜欢宁波的烧烤和海鲜。中华美食一向誉满天下,而食品一直以来又是宁波的一大特色,尤其是海鲜。天水一色的环境和优越的地理位置酝酿出令世人称道的美食。古有海鲜益脑的说法,如今的宁波企业对海鲜产品深度加工,更将宁波海鲜销往世界各地。一年一度的宁波美食节日更成为宁波亲朋好友同乐的美好时光。外籍人士也在助力宁波走向世界的大业。 在宁波我参加过很多的社会活动,有的是朋友、员工的结婚典礼,有的是由政府部门组织的外籍人士活动。中国的结婚典礼是幸福的时刻,又是家庭团聚的时刻,令我印象最为深刻的是在这样的社会活动和典礼中,我见识到真正的中国社会和传统。据此我们逐步地融入到了宁波社会,世界的国际港口。 眼见为实。尤其如今的宁波日新月异,许多陈旧的东西早已沉默于时代的长河。这些无所不在的变化要求我们当代人用一个崭新的姿态和全新的视角去观察和体会这座城市。整理 李 飒